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University corporation Mid-term plan objects modified

Published on Jan 18, 2016


On 15 January 2016 the Osaka City Council accepted the proposal to modify the university corporation mid-term plan to reflect the preparations for the establishment of a new-model university through an integration with Osaka Prefecture University. The proposal had already been accepted by the Osaka Prefecture Assembly on 22 December 2015.

This has confirmed the policy direction for the new-model university and paves the way for further deliberation regarding the structure and environment necessary for its realization.?

Based on a vision paper published in February of last year in which the plans for the new ‘Osaka-model’ public university were set out, Osaka City University and Osaka Prefecture University will continue their dialogue towards the realization of the new university in order to contribute to the reinvigoration of the Osaka region and function as a center of knowledge.

The student admission process of Osaka City University will not be affected until the establishment of the new university. For those admitted before the establishment, curriculum and awarded degrees will also not be affected.

January 2016
Yoshiki Nishizawa
President of Osaka City University
