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Global Village “Meet and Greet” held for International Exchange Students

Published on Nov 11, 2019


On 2 October, 2019 President Arakawa, Vice President Sakuragi, Specially Appointed Vice President Tsuruta who also serves as Director of Global Exchange Office and students from Osaka City University Global Members (OGM) held a “Meet and Greet” where they welcomed 14 exchange students from China, Korea, Germany and Indonesia.

The lunch-time event was kicked off in the Global Village with a welcoming address given by President Arakawa. Afterwards, in response to his address, Mr. Muhammad Azwar from Andalas University, Indonesia and Ms. Sun Yiru from Shanghai University, China, expressed their enthusiasm towards studying at OCU.

Specially Appointed Vice President Tsuruta ushered in a luncheon with a toast. There was a warm and friendly atmosphere throughout the whole event. The students not only enjoyed a conversation with the President and Vice President but also socialized with the other international students and OGM members.

Although the periods of study for each exchange student differ from 1 month to a year, we wish them all a meaningful life at OCU.

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